plot_sim <- function(X, Y, name) {
if (!is.null(dim(Y))) {
Y <- Y[, 1]
data <- data.frame(x1=X[,1], y=Y)
ggplot(data, aes(x=x1, y=y)) +
geom_point() +
xlab("x") +
ylab("y") +
ggtitle(name) +
plot_sim_func <- function(X, Y, Xf, Yf, name, geom='line') {
if (!is.null(dim(Y))) {
Y <- Y[, 1]
Yf <- Yf[, 1]
if (geom == 'points') {
funcgeom <- geom_point
} else {
funcgeom <- geom_line
data <- data.frame(x1=X[,1], y=Y)
data_func <- data.frame(x1=Xf[,1], y=Yf)
ggplot(data, aes(x=x1, y=y)) +
funcgeom(data=data_func, aes(x=x1, y=y), color='red', size=3) +
geom_point() +
xlab("x") +
ylab("y") +
ggtitle(name) +
In this notebook, we will review the simulation algorithms provided
in the mgc
paper. All simulations will be
examples in d=1
dimensions, since some
of the plots do not look obviously of the given simulation type in
higher dimensions. The simulation is plotted along with the true
distribution of the given simulation where possible.
data <- mgc.sims.linear(n, d)
X <- data$X; Y <- data$Y
func <- mgc.sims.linear(n, d, eps=0)
Xf <- func$X; Yf <- func$Y
plot_sim_func(X, Y, Xf, Yf, "Linear Simulation")
data <- mgc.sims.exp(n, d)
X <- data$X; Y <- data$Y
func <- mgc.sims.exp(n, d, eps=0)
Xf <- func$X; Yf <- func$Y
plot_sim_func(X, Y, Xf, Yf, "Exponential Simulation")
data <- mgc.sims.cubic(n, d)
X <- data$X; Y <- data$Y
func <- mgc.sims.cubic(n, d, eps=0)
Xf <- func$X; Yf <- func$Y
plot_sim_func(X, Y, Xf, Yf, "Cubic Simulation")
# Step
data <- mgc.sims.step(n, d)
X <- data$X; Y <- data$Y
func <- mgc.sims.step(n, d, eps=0)
Xf <- func$X; Yf <- func$Y
plot_sim_func(X, Y, Xf, Yf, "Step-Fn Simulation")
data <- mgc.sims.quad(n, d)
X <- data$X; Y <- data$Y
func <- mgc.sims.quad(n, d, eps=0)
Xf <- func$X; Yf <- func$Y
plot_sim_func(X, Y, Xf, Yf, "Quadratic Simulation")