For example, the below algorithm for
#' Linear Optimal Low-Rank Projection (LOL)
#' A function for implementing the Linear Optimal Low-Rank Projection (LOL) Algorithm.
#' @param X \code{[n, d]} the data with \code{n} samples in \code{d} dimensions.
#' @param Y \code{[n]} the labels of the samples with \code{K} unique labels.
#' @param r the rank of the projection. Note that \code{r >= K}, and \code{r < d}.
#' @param ... trailing args.
#' @return A list of class \code{embedding} containing the following:
#' \item{A}{\code{[d, r]} the projection matrix from \code{d} to \code{r} dimensions.}
#' \item{ylabs}{\code{[K]} vector containing the \code{K} unique, ordered class labels.}
#' \item{centroids}{\code{[K, d]} centroid matrix of the \code{K} unique, ordered classes in native \code{d} dimensions.}
#' \item{priors}{\code{[K]} vector containing the \code{K} prior probabilities for the unique, ordered classes.}
#' \item{Xr}{\code{[n, r]} the \code{n} data points in reduced dimensionality \code{r}.}
#' \item{cr}{\code{[K, r]} the \code{K} centroids in reduced dimensionality \code{r}.}
#' @author Eric Bridgeford
#' @examples
#' library(lolR)
#' data <- lol.sims.rtrunk(n=200, d=30) # 200 examples of 30 dimensions
#' X <- data$X; Y <- data$Y
#' model <-, Y=Y, r=5) # use lol to project into 5 dimensions
#' @export <- function(X, Y, r, ...) {
# class data
info <-, Y)
priors <- info$priors; centroids <- info$centroids
K <- info$K; ylabs <- info$ylabs
n <- info$n; d <- info$d
deltas <- lol.utils.deltas(centroids, priors)
centroids <- t(centroids)
nv <- r - (K)
if (nv > 0) {
A <- cbind(deltas, lol.project.cpca(X, Y, nv)$A)
} else {
A <- deltas[, 1:r, drop=FALSE]
# orthogonalize and normalize
A <- qr.Q(qr(A))
return(list(A=A, centroids=centroids, priors=priors, ylabs=ylabs,
Xr=lol.embed(X, A), cr=lol.embed(centroids, A)))
As we can see in the above segment, the function
returns a list of items. To use many of the
functionality, researchers can trivially write an
method following the below spec:
keyworded arguments for:
- X: a [n, d] data matrix with n samples in d dimensions.
- Y: a [n] vector of class labels for each sample.
a list containing the following:
- <your-embedding-matrix>: a [d, r] embedding matrix from d dimensions to r << d dimensions.
Note that the inputs MUST be named X, Y
In the above example, I call my embedding matrix A
, but
you can call it whatever you want.
After you have written your algorithm
, you may be interested in
embedding with it. With your algorithm in your namespace
you can embed points as follows, noting that
will be additional arguments you pass
to your function:
# given: X, Y contain the data matrix and class labels, respectively
result <- <your-algorithm-name>(X, Y, <optional-args>)
# embed new points in your testing set, Xt
Xr <- lol.embed(Xt, result$A)
With your new algorithm, you may want to perform some sort of
cross-validation. Following the above spec, this is incredibly easy.
Your argument may, for instance, require its own individual
hyperparameters. For example, in my example above, I have a
hyperparameter for r
, the rank of the embedding. I can
define the following list of the optional arguments:
alg =
r = <desired-rank> # the desired rank I want to embed into
alg.opts = list(r=r)
embed = "A" # the name of the embedding matrix produced
alg.return = embed
I can then pass my algorithm into the lol.xval.eval
xval.out <- lol.xval.eval(X, Y, alg=alg, alg.opts=alg.opts, alg.return=alg.return, k=<k>)
where <k>
specifies the desired cross-validation
method to use. For more details, see the xval
See the tutorial vignette extend_classification
for how
to specify the classifier
, classifier.opts
and classifier.return
. Alternatively, do not include these
keyworded arguments to lol.xval.xval
to use the default
Now, you should be able to use your user-defined embedding method
with the lol